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First, start with what we know. We know that the west coast region is in the tail end of a record setting heat wave, this undoubtedly contributed to abundant dry fuel. Also, a high wind event on Labor Day was a turning point where conditions went from bad to awful and with much destruction done in the following 24 hours, which comes to reason, as wind often contributes to the rapid growth and spread of wildfires. Finally, when we talk about this year’s fire season, we should not limit the scope of our discussions to the western region of the United States. We know that Australia also had a devastating fire season this year, alongside the Amazon, Siberia, and a long list that could just go on. This is not a regional issue, it is a worldwide issue, that our region is particularly vulnerable to.
Next, identify some of the trouble narratives, and consider their flaws.
Stay healthy my friends. Our air quality is hovering around “Hazardous” and it looks as though it won’t be changing anytime soon. Air quality isn’t the only thing that is hazardous, as online misinformation and hyper partisanship becomes more dangerous with each passing day. These narratives aren’t comprehensive, nor will they be going away any time soon. Being ready with the information that we know, and being honest about what we don’t know can go a long way in stopping the spread of misinformation. If you have encountered other flawed narratives please feel free to send them to, and i’ll add them here as I deem appropriate.
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