Vote No On I-2066

What is I-2066

Ballot initiative 2066 is a solution in search of a problem that doesn’t exist. This ill-advised initiative repeals important planning measures that will keep energy costs lower. While this initiative purports to ensure consumers have continual access to natural gas, existing state law already guarantees access. More impactfully, it would complicate and slow the transition to more sustainable and efficient energy sources. All the while sabotaging our efforts to reduce burning fossil fuels, including natural gas, in society’s attempts to slow the climate crisis.

I-2066 does two things:

  1. Repeals HB 1589 – An existing law requiring the state’s largest utility, Puget Sound Energy (PSE), to plan for a gradual and fair transition away from gas
  2. Makes it illegal for the state (through energy codes) or cities to incentivize the use of any fuel other than natural gas – forever!


I-2066 throws out all our tools for a fair transition to renewable energy without consideration of current market conditions or costs to low-wealth communities. Additionally proponents are spreading misinformation about current policy, and attempting to use this as a political wedge. In reality, no one is forced to convert their energy source; there is NO such policy nor has there been any discussion of such a policy.

These kinds of building code incentives are designed to wean us away from using fossil fuels for heat, which is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas pollution. We must be able to transition to cost-effective, efficient, and clean energy thoughtfully and I-2066 does the opposite by trying to freeze us at this moment in time, halting the rapid progress we are experiencing on energy efficiency improvements. This freezing of our trajectory will only raise costs for everyone and further our dependence on dirty fuels. 

This initiative also ignores the role that Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) will play in our clean energy future. We cannot produce enough RNG to replace our existing use of fossil gas, let alone support additional gas users. We will need to reserve our limited amounts of RNG for high energy use industrial practices that are unable to become fully electric. This is why a managed transition is so important; I-2066 ignores these nuances. 

Key things to know:

  • I-2066 would make it unlawful for the state, cities, or utilities to incentivize electric appliances.
  • Even if I-2066 passes, state energy code must still achieve a 70% reduction in energy consumption (compared to 2006); if we can’t incentivize electrification, this means new buildings can only meet the standards with building envelope measures which are much more costly than electric appliances.
  • I-2066 also repeals policy that our state’s largest utility, PSE, says is needed to plan for a managed transition that keeps costs lower.
  • Independent research on HB 1589 (the law that I-2066 repeals) showed that a managed transition beginning in 2025 keeps residential gas bills the lowest whereas an unmanaged transition causes them to skyrocket.
  • Gas has increased in price by a factor of 15 since 1970 and is a global commodity with volatile prices.


Please spread the word about this ill-advised initiative, and plan to vote No On 2066.

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