Vote No On I-2117

What is I-2117

This November, Washington voters will be asked to vote on a variety of ballot initiatives, all of which aim to undo a decade’s worth of progress on educational funding, efforts to protect and clean our air and water, and provide care for seniors and the most vulnerable.

While we here at 350 Spokane are extremely concerned about all of these initiatives, we are particularly focused on fighting ballot measure I-2117, which would allow more pollution across Washington State, devastates funding for programs to protect our air, water, and
land, and cuts investments in transportation.

Specifically, I-2117 would repeal the Climate Commitment Act, and ban all forms of Cap & Trade in Washington State in perpetuity. 

The impact of I-2117 would be devastating because it would:

  • roll back protections for our air and water, forests and farmlands, and jobs and transportation investments.
  • put transit service, ferries, and road projects across Washington at risk by punching a major hole in our state’s already strained transportation budget.
  • shift the burden of paying for the impacts of pollution back onto communities, workers, and families.

The Impact of I-2117 on Spokane

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